Online forms are a very familiar part of our routine these days. Now, thanks to the online form builder FormForAll, you can tailor the forms on your website or blog to your specific target audience. For example, there’s a handy multi-lingual option which will translate your forms into any one of twenty different languages, making it easier for people from right across the world to make bookings, order goods or simply leave a comment on your site. will give you a quick overview of some of the other key features of this package, including its easy-to-use drag and drop interface, social login function, security features and data analysis section. Designed as a universal form builder with a wide range of predefined form fields which can be activated at the click of a mouse, this solution nonetheless offers you the chance to add in your own fields, choose your preferred background colour and add a corporate logo. Drupal and WordPress-powered websites can also get in on the action, thanks to specific plugins and modules designed for these CMS platforms. A glimpse of the possibilities that a FormForAll form can open up for you may be found with a look at these php and html forms.